
Monday, August 19, 2013

Vocabulary #1

adumbrate: indicate faintly, foreshadow or symbolize
Many writers adumbrate in their stories to give hints to the readres

apotheosis: climax
After the apotheosis of a story, everything begins to wind  down.

ascetic: severe self-discipline from all forms of indulgence
People who fast develop a strong ascetics.

bauble: a small trinket
Some teachers offers baubles as rewards to get their students to participate.

beguile: charm or enchant
Many commercials attempt to beguile it's customers with lies to trick them into purchasing their product.

burgeon: to grow rapidly
I hope my knowledge will burgeon from the participation in this class.

complement: something that completes or brings perfection
Adding pudding to cupcake mix complements the flavor

contumacious: stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority
Many students at righetti are contumacious towards teachers due to lack of discipline.

curmudgeon: bad tempered or surly person
A lot of elderly people are curmudgeon.

didactic: intended to teach
Dr.Preston uses open source learning to b

disingenuous: not sincere
Bullies are disingenuous of others feelings.

exculpate : show or declare (someone) is not guilty
Many attempted to exculpate Trayvons innocence in the Zimmerman case.

faux pas: embarrassing/tactless  act or remark in a social situation ; slip of manners.
Many freshman struggled with faux pas the first week of school.

fulminate: and explosion or outburst
Anger has a tendency to fulminate your emotions.

fustian:  self important speech or writing

hauteur:  arrogance, disdainful pride
Mr. Darcy gave off a certain hauteur in the beginning of Pride and Prejudice.

inhibit: to restrain
I am trying to inhibit myself from going to bed instead of posting on my blog.

jeremiad: a long mournful complaint; lecture between right & wrong.
Every year Righetti students must attend a jeremaid assembly to notify the students of the rules.

opportunist: someone who takes advantage of situations for self gain
Many con artists have the mindset of an opportunist.

unconscionable: unreasonable, not guided by conscience
Deciding my homework wasn't a priority tonight was unconscionable.

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