
Monday, October 14, 2013

Vocab #8

Abase (v.) : to reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation or estimation; humble degrade.
It's common for ones grade to abase after a bad test score.

Abdicate (v.): to renounce or relinquish a throne, right, power, claim, responsibility, or the like, especially in former manner.
The amount of trust my parents had given me was abdicated after getting in trouble.

Abomination (n.): great loathing or dislike.
She had the mindset of a perfectionist, anything below a ninety percent was an abomination.

Brusque (adj.): abrupt in manner; blunt; rough.
I'm often known for my brusque honesty.

Saboteur (n.): a person who commits or practice sabotage.
People with personal vendettas often become saboteurs in the process of getting revenge.

Debauchery (n.): excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures.

Proliferate(v.): to grow or produce by multiplication of parts, as in budding or cell division, or by procreation; To increase in number or spread rapidly.
Mice are known to proliferate in very large numbers.

Anachronism (n.): something or someone that is not in its correct historical history or chronological time.
My character Jasmine is an anachronism time traveler from the future.

Nomenclature(n.): the names or terms compromising a set or system.
Nomenclature is similar to genre.

Expurgate (v.): to purge or close of moral offensiveness.
Radio stations place expurgated music to avoid explicit content.

Bellicose (adj.): inclined or eager to fight.
Alcohol is a common gateway to bellicose thoughts and feelings

Gauche (adj.) : lacking social grace, sensitivity or acuteness; awkward, tactless.
I had a gauche presence in middle school due to my shy personality.

Rapacious (adj.): very greedy.
Many children become rapacious during their toddler stage.

Paradox (n.) : a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd.
Superheros are often designed with paradox personalities so that they can selflessly defend their loved ones.

Conundrum (n.): a riddle, the answer to which involves a pun or play or words.
Conundrums help people think outside of the box.

Anomaly (n.): a deviation from the common rule; someone abnormal who doesn't fit in; an odd or peculiar condition.
Girls who wear shorts and dresses in the winter are common anomaly's at Righetti High School

Ephemeral (adj.) : lasting a very short time; short-lived.
House flies are ephemeral insects, they have a lifespan of one week.

Rancorous (adj.): full of or showing resentment.
It's not uncommon for people to be rancorous towards those they are jealous of.

Churlish (adj.): rude behavior.
I make an effort to refrain from being churlish towards those around me, you never know who you may be speaking to.

Precipitous (adj.): extremely steep.
Riding a bike down a precipitous hill can result in a serious injury.

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