
Monday, September 23, 2013

accolade: any award or honor notice.
BET bestows accolades to African Americans in the entertainment industry.

acerbity: harsh or roughness of taste.
She became aware that the food was expired due to its acerbity and foul smell.

attrition: a reduction or decrease in numbers, size or strength.
The graduating class suffered attrition due to massive amount of student failures.

chauvinist: a person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic.
My family has come in contact with a few chauvinistic cops in their pasts.

chronic: constant and recurring.
I'm suffering from chronic laziness.

expound: to explain.
She expounded her opinion in great detail.


immaculate: free from moral blemish or impurity.
It's rare to meet someone who is immaculate from the worlds sins.

imprecation: a spoken curse.
Witches are known for casting imprecations.

ineluctable: unavoidable.
Making mistakes is ineluctable.

mercurial: changeable.
Mistakes are mercurial if written in pencil.

palliate: to relieve or lessen without curing;alleviate.
Cold medications palliate cold symptoms. 

protocol:  customs and regulations; etiquette.
Managers go over company protocol with new employees.

resplendent: gleaming; shining brilliantly.
Many pregnant women have a resplendent radiance during their pregnancy.

stigmatize: to set some mark of disgrace; to mark or brand.
Companies often stigmatize their products so that they will sell better.

sub rosa: confidentially; secretly.
Passing notes is supposed to be done sub rosa.

vainglory: excessive pride over ones achievements.
After receiving many awards, she presented herself with a strong vainglory.

vestige: a mark or trace; visible evidence of something no longer present.
The young girl left a vestige of cookie crumbs after she devoured the sweets

volition: the act of willing, choosing or resolving.
She was rewarded with an allowance for her volition in doing her chores.

Obsequious: overly obedient.
The class pet was known to be obsequious for the teacher.

Beatitude: supreme happiness.
Good food fills my mood with pure beatitude and joy.

Bete Noire: a person or thing especially disliked or dreaded.
The SAT is known to be Bete Noire in high schools.

Bode: an omen.
Black cats are considered to be bad bodes.

Dank: humid.
The weather had been hot and dank lately.

Ecumenical: the whole Christian church.
The Holy Bible is an ecumenical object used throughout Christianity.

Fervid: burning; glowing; intensely hot.
The fervid fire was warm and bright during the bonfire.

Fetid: Having an offensive odor.
He rolled the windows down in hope to rid his car of his fetid smell.

Gargantuan: gigantic; enormous.
Anacondas are gargantuan snakes.

Heyday:The stage or period of greatest strength or success.

Incubus: a nightmare.
I had an incubus of the zombie apocalypse 

Infrastructure: basic structure needed for a system or organization.
America is known for its strong infrastructure. 

Inveigle: to entice or lure by flattery.
He won her heart by using excessive inveigle and over the top compliments.

Kudos: glory or praise.
We give kudos to our soldiers in my government class.

Lagniappe: Gratuity or tip.
I would like to work as a waitress part time in order to receive lagniappe.

Prolix: tedious length.
AP English books seem to be boring a prolix.

Protege: A person under the guidance and care of a mentor.
She had to train as a protege before she could inherit the company.

Prototype: Original or model on which something is based from.
The IOS7 prototype was leaked during the summer before its release.

Sycophant: self-seeking in order to gain an advantage.
It's common for competitors to become sycophants in order to win.

Tautology: Unnecessary repetition of an idea. Saying somthing twice with different words.
It's not uncommon for people to use tautology in order to get their point across.

Truckle: To submit, suck up.
A lot of students attempt to truckle to the teachers for extra credit.

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