
Wednesday, September 11, 2013


My score was rather low, but it was expected. I have never taken an AP exam before, the content and format were foreign and unknown to me so I supposed I cannot be too hard on myself. AP is a new experience for me. Though this course very much resembles last year, I still find it very challenging. The people and the way certain things are executed, it's all so hard for me to process. Last year I was one of the elite students in the class, always ahead of the game and always full of ideas. This year is so different, I go unnoticed, almost like a "No Loitering" sign in a parking lot. This has definitely curbed my idea on how to go about this class, my expectations aren't as high as they used to be simply because I feel smaller. I no longer expect to get outstanding grades on tests and quizzes and lack my motivational drive that got me through those rough spots in the year. My own perspective on my part in this class shows in my work and I am sad to say that it is not up to par. My work reflects my confidence and until I regain it I fear that I'll be stuck in this educational rut for quite some time. The process will be long and difficult, but I will run til i finish. Even if that means taking my last step to get there. I cannot and will not allow myself to fail, I am hopeful that I will be back on track very soon. My exam may have been a failure, but my efforts will not go to waste.

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