
Monday, October 20, 2014

Blast from the past.

This will probably be the last post I ever make to this blog. It justs so happens that even after two years after this videos making, it still pertains so much knowledge and offers insight even in my college years. I see a lot of spelling errors looking back at this haha there's still alot I wish I would have edited and changed but aside from my nit-picking I truly do have a love for this video. This is what Open-Source Learning is all about, expressing our opinions and showing our true selves. Society forces us to hide and shame who we are and what we really feel as young people. It's important that we remember that our words do hold purpose. Don't remain silent, speak up!



Wednesday, May 28, 2014

It started with a seed.

Apologies in advance to both my classmates and my group mates for my absence, I totally forgot I had a dentist appointment today.

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree."
-Martin Luther

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It started off with a seed. Little bursts of inspiration that later bloomed into an ideas. Our ideas started off small, somewhat like seeds. We each wanted to plant our seeds in order to make them bloom but in order to plant them, we needed a few essentials ready. Just like plants ideas take a solid foundation, you can't take an idea and put it anywhere, you need to put it into nutritious soil and provide care and attention so that it can grow.

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Once our seeds were planted, we began to let them grow. Establishing connections, building a team and making moves were essential to the plants growth.  Making posters, creating events and reaching out to our peers really helped out plant grow. The first steps were the worst steps, but they were also the steps that put our plans in motion.

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After gathering the right materials, our little seeds had soon bloomed into a beautiful flower.  Our hard work had finally become a reality. Fundraisers, sponsorship's, flyers, social media advertisement and support from our peers only made our flower grow stronger. Everything had become so real and tangible. We finally had something to show for our hard work

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Though it had seemed like everything was falling into place, life happens. We lost our sponsors, had difficulties with the fundraisers and our support began to slowly fade away.  As a result, we stopped caring for our plants. The negativity had a negative effect on our seeds. We lost our foundation, stopped providing it nutrients and eventually gave up on caring for the plant as a whole.

We do fall down, and sometimes it can be really difficult for us to get back up. But we have to remember that even in a forest of what seems to be lifeless, black debris, plants still manage to come back to life. Sometimes our forest will burn down and at first glance, it might look like there's nothing we can do.  But if we continue to work hard and give our burns a little time to heal, our flowers will bloom even faster and stronger than before.

 Just because we fall down doesn't mean we can get back up. Our masterpiece didn't work out the first few times but in the end we came out stronger. We learned from our mistakes and were able to gain experience and wisdom from our "failures." It didn't work out now, but with a little time, patience and new soil we can replant our seeds and watch them continue to grow.

"Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward."
-Victor Kiam

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Seventh Reading

Due to the fact I don't have the time this week to really "meditate" on a poem, I am posting about a poem I familiarized myself with last year. Theme for English B by Langston Hughes is a poem that has stuck with me ever since the day I read it. I feel like as if I can relate to it. Langston Hughes is the only African American student at his school, sometimes it feels that way to me. Santa Maria lacks versatility in its residence, for this reason it's not uncommon for me to feel like the only colored girl in the town. A lot of people here treat me as if I like different things and like I'm supposed to act a certain way because of the color of my skin. "I guess being colored doesn't make me not like the same things other folks like who are other races." I sometimes feel like people think that the color of my skin defines who I am. I like what I like and skin tone doesn't have a damn thing to do about it. I like what I like because I am me.

"So will my page be colored that I write? Being me, It will not be white." This quote threw me for a loop. It said a lot in ways I didn't think it would. In my eyes, I envisioned two modern companies. A black owner for one, a white owner for the other. In reality, one of the companies will have more respect than the other and it's not entirely based on skill. Statistics show that a white man will always make more than a black man. It doesn't matter how smart or successful they are. They don't fit the "white" quota, regardless of how hard they try. We live in a world where color still matters. The fact that Langston Hughes poem can still be relevant in the world I live in today is mind blowing.

Under Construction

My project is more behind the scenes at the moment.  I don't have any physical evidence aside from Facebook chats and my web history. I hope to have more to show for my work soon. I'm aiming to have legitimate proof by the end of next week.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."
I wonder if Shakespeare is whom this quote originated from.

"The castle of Macduff I will surprise; Seize upon Fife; give to the edge o' the sword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his line."
It really does blow my mind how he became so ruthless almost overnight.

TBC: I'm trying my best to catch up on my MacBeth but it is rather hard to read the entire play in one sitting. I believe I can finish both acts tomorrow.


"To be thus is nothing; But to be safely thus.--Our fears in Banquo"
It seems MacBeth has caught a terrible case of paranoia.

"Given to the common enemy of man, To make them kings, the seed of Banquo kings!"

"So is he mine; and in such bloody distance, That every minute of his being thrusts
Against my near'st of life: and though I could With barefaced power sweep him from my sight And bid my will avouch it, yet I must not"

 I find it interesting how MacBeth and Banquo are good friends until MacBeth allows his wife to get into his head.  Even in "hate", Macbeth cannot kill Banquo himself. It seems somewhat like a guilty conscience to me.

"Your spirits shine through you. Within this hour at most I will advise you where to plant yourselves; Acquaint you with the perfect spy o' the time,The moment on't; for't must be done to-night, "

Personally, I find it a little crazy how MacBeth can go form mental distraught after killing the king to having a flat our murder plan for Banquo. Maybe this was his design all along?

"Fleance his son, that keeps him company, Whose absence is no less material to me Than is his father's, must embrace the fate Of that dark hour."

So Banquos children have to suffer as well?

"'Tis safer to be that which we destroy Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy."

Fair is foul and foul is fair honey.

"Using those thoughts which should indeed have died With them they think on? Things without all remedy Should be without regard: what's done is done."

It seems Lady MB has created a monster. I don't think Lady MB or the audience expected MacBeths dramatic change of heart.

"In restless ecstasy. Duncan is in his grave; After life's fitful fever he sleeps well;"

It seems like yesterday that MacBeth was upset about killing Duncan.. oh wait. 

"O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife! Thou know'st that Banquo, and his Fleance, lives."

He's somewhat admitting to his sanity..

"O, treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly! Thou mayst revenge. O slave!"

"Thanks for that: There the grown serpent lies; the worm that's fled Hath nature that in time will venom breed, No teeth for the present. Get thee gone: to-morrow We'll hear, ourselves, again."

Too bad Banquo wasn't the real snake in the sand.

"Are you a man?"

Best line of the play so far.

 "Hence, horrible shadow! Unreal mockery, hence!"

His guilt seems to be driving him mad.  He can't control his outbursts and he's been paranoid this entire scene.

"Was pitied of Macbeth: marry, he was dead: And the right-valiant Banquo walk'd too late; Whom, you may say, if't please you, Fleance kill'd, For Fleance fled: men must not walk too late."

"How it did grieve Macbeth! did he not straight In pious rage the two delinquents tear,"
Yeah, "grief".

Macbeth was acting very strange in this chapter. Mainly paranoid. I suppose it's understandable, but even Lady MB is starting to sense his insanity.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Acts II


"Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had don't"
This line made me chuckle, it was lady MacBeth who pushed MacBeth to kill Duncan, yet Duncan resembled her father so she could not do it herself. It seems more like she'd rather not have her hands soiled by convincing her husband to do the dirty work

"I could not say 'Amen,' when they did say 'God bless us!'

"Clean from my hand?No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incaradine, making the green on red."

"A little water clears us of this deed: How easy it is then!"

"Oh yet I do repent me of my fury, that I did kill them!"

MacBeth and Lady. MB are tremendous actors. It's rather humorous to see them commit a crime so cruel such murder then mourn in shock the day actor.

"Lady MacBeth is carried out.."

Were her legs unable to hold the weight of her lies and deception?

I didn't have much commentary for Act II, It was mainly all about MacBeth and Lady MB's choice to murder the king and how their serpent like reflexes allowed them to slither away unsuspected. I look forward to reading the next few Acts (somewhat, this is Shakespeare after all),

Reconnected !

Hey guys! I know I promised to get my MacBeth done over the weekend but my computer hasn't turned on since Friday . I would have posted if off of my phone but the Acts too long to read on my phone and I'm not the best at spelling correctly when I text. Hopefully my computer can survive a few extra weeks while I Save for a new one. I'll be back on track before you know it! Thanks so much for your patience.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Please excuse my absence.

I'm aware that I haven't been posting on my blog very often but I do have a plausible reason. I have been spending the past week stressing out over my launch project. There seem to be obstacles at every turn when it comes to this project. I've been giving 125 % of my energy to make this work. The quote on my blog is "run til I finish" and even though times are getting tough, I can't give up just yet. I'm really hoping to make this rap battle for the homeless work. I believe with enough support and a little more elbow grease, we can make this work out (almost) as planned. Instead of holding votes for teachers, I would like to ask students for donations to help us make our care packages for the homeless. We would make announcements on social media over the weekends and throughout early next week then also make an announcement before the rally, during the rally, and before we crown the winners at the rally. I'm hoping to come back 10 times as strong once this rally is over while I'm on break.  I really don't like being behind on my work, but I also dislike unfinished projects. This project is more than just a grade to me, it's designed to help and comfort others. And if it means taking a lower grade for the time being, then I'm willing to make that sacrifice. I won't stop trying until there's nothing left to try for.

Wish me luck guys ! I'll be back with you as soon as physically possible !!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Look at my brain !

My Masterpiece requires a lot of collaboration. To be honest, I'm not one who likes relying on others. It's very easy to flake or have plans shift last minute. Though working with others increases production at times, it's very easy to slow things down if people don't completely do their part. My Masterpiece, does however, reflect my thought process. I'm one to help others and it sickens my soul to see people mistreat people. I feel like we all have roles to play and it's very important that we all play our part.

For the most part, my older sister was my inspiration for this product. She created "God Bless You" bags for her church. All of the members made their own bags with their own funds. I simply hacked it so that students could use it to begin changing the community.

Aside from that, I really have no other remarks on my Masterpiece. At least, not until it's finished.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What about my Masterpiece?

To be honest? It's getting hard to find energy for my masterpiece. When I'm not at school, I'm at work. When I'm not at work, I'm doing homework. When I'm not doing homework I'm trying to find time to sleep. I've been in grumpy zombie mode all week. My temper has become short from lack of sleep and my stress levels have risen from lack of time to get what I need to get done. So far we're working on posters for our teacher rap battle to help raise money for the bless you bags.  For the most part, we're on track. We have permission from ASB and teachers, we have a DJ and we have a date for the rally. All we need now is an outline of the rally and a list of instructions for the participants. I also need to find time to do research on prices for the bless you bags. I want to get the best deals possible to make as many bags as possible, but time seems to be running short. I hope once I get paid that I can afford to take a trip around town at the local grocery stores to find good prices for the bags. I see more and more homeless people out everyday and it breaks my heart that I cannot help them. I also need to make informational flyers about bless you bags to show local churches and businesses so that we can begin raising bless you bags for the community. Bags are built by donation and distributed by love offerings. I hope to have all of the bags prepared by the end of spring break. I would like to set up a small station in the office for bless you bags, students just put small offerings and take a bag to distribute. There is no minimum for donations. I would also very much like to go talk to local elementary school children. I feel like a lot of schools would be willing to help us raise money for bless you bags and having a physical bag to show them would definitely gain more support. If the public responds as anticipated, I will notify the local news and radio stations so that Righetti can be recognized for its efforts on helping the community. I have a lot of plans for these bags and I can't tell whether they're realistic or not, but I wont stop trying until I've given every last of my efforts. Anyways, our project is on track for the most part. My group just needs to step up its game and get on it's grind. We may have the luxery of relaxing and having the pleasure to distract ourselves with the things we enjoy, but many homeless men, women and children are struggling everyday. It's our turn to give back and giving back starts now.

Love is blind.

Considering the fact that we are just beginning to dive into then story of MacBeth, it's difficult to give detailed descriptions about Lady MacBeth and Macbeth. From the first Act, we see that Lady MacBeth is very controlling. She definitely wears the pants in her relationship with MacBeth. When Lady MacBeth hears about MacBeths opportunity to become king, she immediately jumps on the bandwagon to kill Duncan. Originally Macbeth is torn and traumatized at the thought of killing his dear cousin, but his lady easily manages to give him a change of heart. Lady Macbeth is the leader and MacBeth is her follower. Personally I feel that many audience members might label Lady MacBeth as crazy. Me personally? I see her as an attention craving gold digger. She's not satisfied with MacBeth being thane of two countries, she wants him to be a king. She's power hungry and is willing to shed blood if it means more power on her behalf.

MacBeth Act 1

"Fair is foul and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air"
I'm not entirely sure what this quote means. It somewhat reminds me of the quote "All's fair in love and war" Comparing two drastically different things to justify something,somewhat like the quote above.Its almost as if it's saying "everything goes."

"For brave MacBeth-- well he deserves that name-- "
I believe this is Indirect characterization? The sergeant describes MacBeth as brave and deserving, putting him on a honorable pedestal.

"Assisted by that most disloyal traitor The thane of Cawdor, began a dismal conflict."
"Go pronounce his present death, And with his formal title greet MacBeth"
The king of Cawdor betrayed King Duncan and MacBeth was awarded his title due to his bravery and leadership.

* I don't understand the First witches statement about the chestnuts*

"So foul and fair a day I have not seen."
Not entirely sure what the quote means, but the witches did quote this statement earlier.

*Banquo and Macbeth seem to have a conversation about women, I'm unsure if Banquo is calling Macbeth a woman or if he is talking about women in general.*

"All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, than of Cawdor! All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be a king hereafter!" 
The witches state that MacBeth will not only become king, but also become the than of Glamis and Cawdor.

"Lesser than Macbeth. and greater. Not so happy but much happier. Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none: So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo!"
I had to read this a few times, but basically I believe it's saying that after their prophecies come true, Macbeth will become much greater and happier  than he was, but he will also feel lesser and will never be as happy.

"He was a gentlemen on whom I built my absolute trust."
I'm assuming that Duncan used to be close to the thane of Cawdor.

"These weird sisters saluted me, and referred me to the coming on of time, with "Hail, king that shalt be!" It seems the witches also told Lady MacBeth about her husbands soon to be future.

"Look like an innocent flower, but be the serpent under't."
Shakespeare's way of saying a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"When you durst do it, then you were a man; And, to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man."
Basically, Lady MacBeth is telling MacBeth to man up and do what he's supposed to do. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

literature analysis #3

1. The Catcher in the Rye is the story of Holden Caulfeild, a seventeen year old boy who has been exposed from Pencey Prep, a private school. After his expulsion, he gets in a fight with his roommate, Stradlater, and ventures off to explore New York before returning back to his home. Caulfeild experiences various encounters with old teachers, prostitutes, exes, nuns and even his sister during his journey. Catcher in the Rye is a very emotional and dramatic story of a teenager who faces many traumatizing struggles in his life lesson on growing up. All of Caulfeild's hatred and resentment towards others, diminishes and he soon realizes that regardless of their faults, he misses all his home.

2. Everybody fears being alone, even the most antisocial and socially award. Holden was designed to be an outcast.  Conflicts with family and friends, isolated everywhere he went. He was left alone and unloved. Holden had no choice but to fend for himself and adapt to his loneliness. Causing unrequited relationships and incomplete friendships. Loneliness drove Holden to New York and loneliness drove him back.

3.  The Catcher in the Rye was a very pessimistic novel. Holden's glass was always half empty and never half full.

  • "I hope to hell when I do die somebody has the sense enough to dump me in the river or something."
  • After I shut the door and started back to the living room, he yelled something at me, but I couldn't exactly hear him. I'm pretty sure he yelled "Good luck!" at me. I hope not. I hope to hell not. I'd never yell "Good luck!" at anybody. It sounds terrible, when you think about it. (Copy and pasted from shmoop)
  • All the two of them were eating for breakfast was toast and coffee. That depressed me. I hate it if I'm eating bacon and eggs or something and somebody else is only eating toast and coffee.  (Copy and pasted from Shmoop)
4. Symbolism – Salinger uses many symbols that represent things to Holden.  The red hunting cap was Holden security blanket whenever he felt uncomfortable. It was the only things in his life that stayed the same.

Foreshadowing - Salinger brings up a mental hospital.

Syntax – Salinger uses pretty easy, colloquial language.  The text is mostly about Holden’s inner thoughts and his opinions about things.  It’s descriptive without being difficult to understand.

Descriptive paragraphs – The way Salinger explains the events that unfold in front of Holden are done in such a vivid way.   You can actually imagine yourself in the taxi with Holden when he is having a conversation with the cab driver.

Metaphors – The title of the book is a metaphor of Holden’s life.  He explains in one of the last chapters why he feels like he is a catcher in the rye and how this has brought about a sense of purpose to him.

Tone - Salinger's tone sets the mood for Holden. The tone alone tells you what time of person Holden is.

Allusion - Title of the book

Irony-  Holden states he's surronded by phonies when he is a phony himself, he even calls himself "the most terrific liar you've ever saw in your life."

1.  Direct Characterization is difficult to identify considering they are all Holden's thoughts.  There are few examples but some of them might be when Holden make statements about other characters, calling them "phonies" and "fakes.

Indirect: "One of the biggest reasons I left Elkton Hills was because I was surrounded by phonies. That's all. They were coming in the goddam window..."

The characterization that Salinger assigns Holden makes him appear very judgmental and negative. He rarely says anything positive and neither direct or indirect characterization compliment his character.

2. The author is Holden, his tone an the way he speaks is consistent throughout the novel. It changes slightly for other characters, but their words are considered to technically be spoken by Holden. Thus making the authors syntax and diction consistent.

3. Dynamic, Holden changes throughout the story. Slowly evolving and learning from every experience. Though his growth may not be apparent at first glance, Holden does change from the the phony police to realize that he too is at fault for being a phony. Holden also realizes that he doesn't enjoy isolation and that he misses all of those who were apart of his life, "even the jerks."

4. I read this book last year and it spoke to me in so many different ways my second read. Holden is the splitting image of an old friend of mine.. Pessimistic and hungry for isolation. His statement about being "dumped in a river or something" was very similar to a lot of the things my friend would say. He wanted nothing more than to be forgotten. It was actually somewhat depressing. It made me sick to my stomach but I couldn't put the book down. I still have so much love for my old friend, reading that book was similar to getting a tattoo. The pain was overbearing but the results made it seem worth the struggle. My only wish is that my friend too would realize isolation isn't the answer and that he too would realize the "phonies" he seemed to call out everyday were only so easy to spot because he too was a phony. Though it was very relate able to read, I think I'll choose to somewhat forget the content in this book for now. Or at least refrain talking about it until I can accept the painful memories that follow.

Monday, March 24, 2014

My Expert.

1.Launch Master: 3 C's
*Communication skills
Key Traits:
*Time Management
*Leadership qualities
*Strong Drive
2. Helping others in various ways such as;
*Providing food
*Work Experience
*A shoulder to lean on
My expert is trying to build a better future by giving futures to those who didn't have one. By creating opportunities and giving assistance to those who need it, my expert is slowly decreasing the poverty rate in America. Thus building a better, stronger, and more economically stable, country.
3. My blog has yet to be updated with my "project product". I currently have no photo evidence or visual proof of what I'm doing. So far, my launch project is all words. Nothing will be official until the end of this week (hopefully). They way that I feel I can convince someone is my work is by showing them the results and/or the progress. "It's not what you say, It's what you do."

Monday, March 10, 2014

10 Questions

As most of you know, I am currently working on a project that is intended on changing our community. "Bless you" bags are just the beginning of my design. I fully intend on making a difference, not only in our community but in our world. In order to make the changes I am trying to make, I need business skills and financial stability. Helping others who don't have money of their own can be difficult when you are also lacking the funds to help them. For this reason, a majority of my questions will be about business. I already know what I want to do, the real question is how am I going to do it.

1. My first question is for those business owners who built their business off of nothing, how were you able to become as successful as you are today when you started at the bottom?

2. What were the first steps you took in pursuing your dreams?

3. How did you react when things didn't seem to go as planned? What kept you motivated during the hardships of your business? How did you preserve during the tough times?

4. What was your social media strategy?

5. Do you have any advice to offer a young entrepreneur? If so, how did you apply this advice to your experience?

6. How do I acquire and retain customers?

7. What if I get into a financial rut? How do I find my way out of it without severing my business and those involved?

8.  How much time did you spend on your business?

9.  How does your business generate income? How did you gain clientele?

10. How do I determine my start up costs and other expenses?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Learning (in a) Brave New World

I read Brave New World last year in Dr. Prestons American Literature English class. For the most part, I had already had established an understanding on the book. I've read the story, taken the notes and heard the opinions. As for last year, that was a different story. I had to get a lot of help from other people and ask a lot of questions. I Googled my questions and sought out for other opinions. Without the help of my peers and the internet, I don't think I would have come to understand this book.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Super 5

CEO of VTC: Jason Telander

From my knowledge, VTC is a program that helps teach basic skills to adults 18+ so that they can obtain jobs.

Good Samaritan Shelter

They house the homeless

Local church Pastor *Currently unknown*

Many churches aid nonprofit organizations

As for the rest, I'm still doing some research. For the most part, this is all a rough sketch but I'm hoping to start making progress soon.

Literature Analysis: Brave New World


1. Brave New World is a dystopian novel about a future world where government has almost complete control over the worlds population. In this world, the governments goal is to create the perfect society. People are not born, they are created. Positions are not earned, they're assigned. The government has total control on who someone is and what they will become, there is no independence. Everyone is separated in classes, Alpha being the highest and Epsilon being the lowest. One Alpha, Bernard, does not want to conform to the world he was brought into. Bernard is the black sheep of the Alphas, he's short, self-conscious and rather awkward to be around. He falls for another Alpha, Lenina, and takes her to the reservation to see the savages. While he is there, Bernard befriends a young savage, John, and brings him back to the Brave New World. John is disgusted by the Brave New World and soon leaves it to live in a abandoned lighthouse. The public is drawn to Johns isolation and he becomes a subject of the media. The public soon overwhelms John and convinces him to take part in an orgy ritual. When John realizes what he's done, he is sickened and hangs himself. Thus ending the story.

2. There are various themes in Huxleys novel, Brave New World. One of the themes that stood out the most was that Our world is susceptible to fall if we do not change our ways. Brave New World was very similar to our modern world. The importance of sex, drugs and status in Huxley's novel was very relevant to sex, drugs in status in our world. If you're not taking drugs, you know someone who does, sex is exploited at every corner and almost everyone wants to be well known. Our society is falling into  a conformed world that is controlled by the media. This book may not be history but our world is definitely about to repeat it.

3. Huxley's tone is somewhat difficult to determine. For the most part, it's rather robotic and distant. He doesn't really have a specific tone throughout the novel, aside from humorous at times .

Humorous: "Thank Ford!" , "Orgy Porgy", Students disgusted by the word "mother" .
Distant: "But Epsilons, we don't need human intelligence." 

4. Satire: Most characters are originally disgusted by the idea of savages (as the students were in the beginning of the novel) but when Bernard brings John back to the Brave New World, everyone wants to meet him.

Diction: The dialogue is very sophisticated throughout the novel "The women was a blonde and brachycephalic Alpha-Minus.."


Symbolism: "Soma" Is the drug used to control everyone.

Tone: "The light was frozen, dead, a ghost." The authors tone is distant.

Allusion: " A gramme in time saves nine." Basically saying that Birth Control saves you nine months of pregnancy.

Dark Humor: The whole novel is somewhat darkly humorous. The fact that young children were sexually active was disturbing but the class reaction was hilarious.

Repetition: "Drop, drop, drop. To-morrow and to-morrow and to-morrow."


1. Direct:  Tall and rather thin but upright, the Director advanced into the room. He had a long chin and big rather prominent teeth, just covered, when he was not talking, by his full, floridly curved lips. Old, young? Thirty? Fifty? Fifty-five? It was hard to say. And anyhow the question didn't arise; in this year of stability, A. F. 632, it didn't occur to you to ask it.” This is the 

Direct: “Lots of men came to see Linda. The boys began to point their fingers at him. In the strange other words they said that Linda was bad; they called her names he did not understand, but that he knew were bad names.”  Huxley is describing Linda as a whore.

Indirect: "And then he spends most of his time by himself – alone.” There was horror in Fanny's voice."

2. Both Huxley's Syntax and diction remain the same throughout the novel.

3. The main protagonist, John, remains the same throughout. He sticks to his morals and values and does not conform for the Brave new World.

4. In a sense, I feel like I met John. He stuck to his beliefs and didn't crack (well at least while he was sober). Being a church girl, morals and values play a huge role in my life.It's hard to stick to your beliefs when there is so much riding against it. I had mad respect for John. I do feel like his choice to solve his mistake was excessive but on the other hand, it only expressed how much he really values his beliefs. He reminds me of a lot of people I have met in my church, they know what they believe in and they stick to it.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


My six questions and answer can be located in this prezi.

I haven't gotten much feedback from my peers, but I have been talking to a few people in both AP English and Expository Comp who share my same passion. I've been doing a lot of thinking and I'm hoping to actually launch this project. I would like to stat contacting individuals who have made businesses out of helping others and spend some time learning to understand them.I would also like to start doing more community service and start giving out "God bless you" bags to those who are less fortunate. God bless you bags contain basic necessities such as soap, tooth brushes, food, water, etc. They are to be carried around and given to those you see around the street. Over time, I'm hoping to get a large sum of people carrying them and giving them out. I would also like to work on somewhat of a "Pay it forward' business. We would help others get back on their feet and get into the world. Helping them with job applications, resumes, interviews, interview attire and job training in hopes that one day that person helps someone else who has been in the struggle. I would also like to start a program for the elderly and youth that encourage young people to stay in school and get an education and to also aid taking care of our elderly. Each person we help will have a customer testimonial or review on our help so that we can spread our good intentions to others and expand our business. It seems like a lot now, but I was taught that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, I'm not giving up until there's absolutely nothing left to give in my life. I fully intend on planting seeds of faith and helping them grow. Together we can make a better world and create lives worth living.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Brave New Essay


Compare and contrast our modern world with the world described in Brave New World.


Roses and electric shocks, the khaki of Deltas and a whiff of asafÅ“tida–wedded indissolubly before the child can speak. But wordless conditioning is crude and wholesale; cannot bring home the finer distinctions, cannot inculcate the more complex courses of behaviour. For that there must be words, but words without reason. In brief, hypnopædia." This quote is referencing the training of children. In the infantry, the workers begin to train and convince children what they like and dislike at a young age. It's the same thing with advertising and social media. With all these commercials, TV shows and new social internet apps, it's difficult to tell what we like and do not like. We are trained at a young age to like and want certain things. Many commercials in children's shows advertise new toys and movies. Advertisers around the globe attempt to make more appealing commercials for children in hopes to spark their interest. If the commercial is a success, they begin to play it repeatedly so that the child see's it more often until they ask their parents to retrieve that item for them.  Just like in Brave New World, people today take advantage of the mind of a child so that they can control their desires (or hatred) .

As the book progresses, the similarities become more apparent. The one similarity that Huxley seems to drag throughout, is the importance of sex. Sex was originally a sacred act between man and wife. In the modern world, people are having sex as early as twelve, thirteen years old. As the years go by, sex seems to decrease in value even more. Remaining a virgin until marriage used to be so common, now virgins come one in a million.  "But seriously," she said, "I really do think you ought to be careful. It's such horribly bad form to go on and on like this with one man. At forty, or thirty-five, it wouldn't be so bad. But at your age, Lenina! No, it really won't do. And you know how strongly the D.H.C. objects to anything intense or long-drawn. Four months of Henry Foster, without having another man – why, he'd be furious if he knew."

"Six years later it was being produced commercially, the perfect drug." Drugs.Can't live with them and you can't live without them (medicine), but why is it that drugs seem too be a trend lately? Rappers make songs about drugs, Netflix is littered in documentaries about drugs, not to mention almost every good movie has a drug seen. Though illegal, drugs seem to be widely accepted in this day and age. If you're not doing them, you know somebody who does. In Brave New World, everyone took a drug called Soma, to provide a euphoric feeling that eliminates pain and suffering. When life seems down, take drugs. When life seems confusing, take drugs. When life seems hard, take drugs. It's all about drugs. Soma is so widely accepted in Brave New World, everyone does it and everyone living large because of it. In China, citizens take a pill that goes by the name "Ya Ba". It's a meth based pill that allows them to work longer hours and stay happy. Some bosses give it to their workers and many entrepreneurs use is to get ahead, people are dependent on it. Almost like in Brave New World, people take Soma to be happy and continue on with their lives and just like Chinese citizens. "And do remember that a gramme is better than a damn." They went out, laughing."

Sex, Drugs and Power, everything our world revolves around now. Wars are started and lives are ended everyday in thanks to these three things. In fact, they make the world go round. One can only wonder what's next for this world.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I am here.

My blog hasn't exactly been up to par lately. It's getting harder to grasp my future when it seems so far away. Funding college seems near impossible with my parents income and my effort has suffered significantly. Though my actions don't back this up, I have given a lot of time to thinking about big questions, senior projects and collaborative working groups. Lately I've been focusing my efforts towards my senior project and a collaborative working group that's been on my mind lately. I recently discovered that there are a group of peers who are also unsure of their majors and futures but we all share the same interest in helping people. I'm hoping to meet with them and discuss what our passions are and hopefully turn our interests into a group dedicated to helping others. Once this group is started, I hope to keep in contact with these students throughout college and maybe even collaborate on our own business together. It may sound a little far fetched now, but I have faith. I'm just praying that I can get it together before It's too late.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I would like to say that a lot about me would stay the same, but that's not the case. I don't want to be the same Jasmine. I want to grow, learn and mature. Once I'm graduated and packed for college I'm leaving the old me. Tis' the season for change!


  • Unknown


  • Happiness
  • Maturity
  • Motivation
  • Drive
  • Success
  • Confidence
  • Bigger and better goals
Though I have plans to change and grow, many people don't. I feel like it all depends on the path that is chosen after graduation. Most people who move out and move on with their lives seem to change for the better and from what it seems, more than a handful who stay seem to stay the same for the worse. Alas, none of my plans will matter if I fail to balance my wants and my needs. I need to learn discipline and realize that what I need will soon fold over and blend into what I want and overall what I desire. Success is nothing without a few sacrifices.

Launch !

Hacked ! I felt like a Prezi was the only way I could barely even scrape the surface of my Launch project. It may take a little time to load but I assure you, it does help understand my vision a bit more than you may think.

Click the link above.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Lit Terms #5

Parallelism (n.) : the state of being parallel or corresponding in some way.

Parody (n.): the imitation of the style of a specific writer, artist of genre for a comical effect
Ex: Scary movie 4 makes fun of various movies and tv shows.

Pathos (n.): a quality that evokes pity or sadness

Pedantry (n.): excessive concern with minor details or rules.
ex: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Personification (n.): putting human characteristics into something that is not human.

Plot (n.): the main events of a movie, novel or similar work.

Poignant (n.): evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.

Point of view (n.): the position in which something or someone is being obseved

Postmodernism (n.): breaking the "fourth wall" of literature.
ex: Open source learning.

Prose (n.): writing in sequence.

Protagonist (n.): The leading character of the story.

Pun (n.): joke exploiting different possible meanings of a word.

Purpose (n.): the reason for which something is done or created.

Realism (n.): the attitude and practice of accepting a situation as it is and being abe to deal with it accordingly.

Refrain (n.): stop oneself from doing something.

Requiem (n.) a musical composition; the act or token of remembrance.

Resolution(n.):  the action of solving a problem, the action of being determined.

Restatement (n.) : a revised statement.

Rhetoric (n.): the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing.

Rhetorical question: a statement formulated as a question but is not supposed to be answered.

Rising Action (n.)  a series of events that begin to build immediately after the exposition.

Romanticism (n.) : A movement in the arts and literature in the 18th century, emphasizing inspiration.

Satire (n.):  the use of humor, irony or exaggeration to expose and criticize peoples stupidity.

Scansion (n.):  the action of scanning a line of a verse to determine its rhythm.

Setting(n.):  the place and time in which a play, novel or film is happening.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Happy Black History Month !

This has always been a song that has been close to my heart. My great grandmother was a slave, though I didn't know her very well, my grandmother has always told me a lot of stories about her life growing up. If I recall the stories correctly, my great grandmother was a "house nigga" because of her light skin complexion. They have pictures of the first house she ever bought. It was beat down and raggedy, but the smile on my great grandmothers face was so heartwarming and joyous. This song has so much emotion into it, this video especially. Though my education hasn't provided abundant information on my history, I take pride in the small bits that I do know. If it weren't for the amazing people that I set as my background(Malcolm X, MLK, Rosa Parks, etc.), I might still be facing a lot of discrimination today, for that I am very thankful

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Literature Analysis

"What do you think you are, for Chrisssake, Crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not! You're no crazier than the average asshole out walkin' around the streets and that's it."
1. This story takes place in a mental hospital in the Pacific Northwest in the 1950's. One of the main characters, Chief Bromden, is also the narrator of the entire book. The story starts with an introduction to a few characters such as the "black boys",  they work with the Antagonist, Nurse Ratched, by taking any given opportunity to torture the hospitals patients. Chief Bromden describes how both the Chronic and Acute patients stay their separate ways due to the fact that most of the acute patients fear of one day becoming chronic patients. The story then breaks into the introduction of the protagonist, R.P. McMurphy, a violent, "gambling fool" who has full intention on taking over the mental ward. It is clear from the beginning that he will be creating a lot of ruckus later on in the story. Nurse Ratched exclaims that McMurphy is an manipulator, it soon become apparent of her fear of losing the wards pristine structure. The story continues with a constant battle between Ratched and McMurphy, they clash consistently until McMurphy realizes that the nurse is the key to his freedom. He becomes less aggressive and plays the passive role in hopes for his freedom. After his new passive lifestyle leads to the death of a patient, McMurphy begins to question his sanity and strength. He devises a plan to help Billy, a fellow patient lose his virginity to a prostitute and escape without the help of Ratched. Billy loses his virginity successfully but McMurphy fails to escape after becoming to wasted to carry out his plan. Nurse Ratched finds Billy in bed with the prostitute and loses her temper. This results in yet another patients suicide. McMurphy becomes enraged and confronts Ratched for her outburst. He attempts to murder her by ripping her dress open and trying to strangle her, but he is knocked unconscious before successfully murdering her.Miss Ratched chooses to have McMurphy lobotomized and he becomes a chronic vegetable. A majority of the patients are soon transferred out of the mental ward due to the hospitals unstable state.  When McMurphy returns, Chief Bromden suffocates him so that McMurphy can die with dignity, he then breaks a window with the shower room control panel and escapes.
2. I think the theme has something to do with standing tall as an individual and staying true to you are. The character McMurphy battles himself a lot in this story. He has to decide whether to himself and stay where he's at or to become someone he's not for his freedom. During that battle between himself, he loses two friends on both ends. By being himself, he lost a friend out of poor choices and by being someone he was not, he lost a friend out by "following the rules." Mcmurphy was driven into insanity and rage which was his downfall in the end. Not only did he lose himself completely, he lost the ability to change himself. It make's me wonder if things would have changed if he never bothered changing. It's good to stay true to ourselves but is who we are always who we should be?
3. Kesey's tone is somewhat difficult to determine considering it was told in Bromdens voice. It appeared to be sympathetic. He seemed to care a lot about the patients and felt pity on them for the brutalities they had to endure before being switched out of the ward. The staff was royalty and their patients were dirt underneath their feet. When McMurphy was lobotomized, Kesey decided to have him killed instead of letting him suffer. I feel like this shows compassion on Keseys part.
4. Diction:  "I guess it would b-b-be you. You're the p-president of Pay-Pay-Patient's Council. This m-man wants to talk to you."

Setting: Corrupt Mental Hospital

Flashback: When the black boys we're trying to shave Chief, he hides and ha a flashback of back when he was with his dad at the banks of the Columbia River.

Assumption: Many of the patients and workers assume Chief is unintelligent because he doesn't speak.

Conflict: The entire novel was based on the conflict between McMurphy and Nurse Ratched.

Foil: In a sense, McMurphy made Chief appear as a better man, and in the end, he completely turned him into a more confident man.

Implication: (can't find the exact quote) In the first or second chapter, Nurse Ratched covers up her chest implying that she is insecure about her sexuality.

Point of View: This story is told in Chief's (story character) first point of view.

Speaker: The speaker is Chief, I feel like Kesey did this so that the story had a better effect on the readers compared to if the story had been in Keseys voice.

Exposition: The beginning of the novel was very descriptive on each character, this made the novel easy to understand.


1. Direct: "What the chronics are- or most of us -are machines with flaws inside that can't be repaired, flaws born in, or flaws beat in over so many years..."
The chronic patients were born mental, or made to believe that they are mental to the point beyond repair. Kesey is saying that there is no way these patients could go about living day to day life.
"...other than me, the chronics don't move around much, and the acutes just say they'd just as leave stay over on their side, give reasons like the chronic side smells like a dirty diaper."
The acute patients try to avoid the chronic patients due to their fear of becoming one of them, they even go as far as to making excuses on why they don't talk to the chronic patients.
2. Keseys Syntax and Diction change depending on the character whose voice he is speaking in, an example would be Billy. He has a stutter so Kesey changes the diction of the novel when he speaks; "I guess it would b-b-be you. You're the p-president of Pay-Pay-Patient's Council. This m-man wants to talk to you."
3. McMurphy is somewhat static and dynamic. In the beginning of the book, it seems like McMurphy will never change who he is for anything or anybody, but once he becomes aware that good behavior can result in an early release from the mental ward, he becomes passive and appears to have changed, he soon lashes back into his normal self and becomes the aggressive McMurphy we all know and (kind of sort of) love. I suppose in the end, he's a pretty static character. His first change was staged and his second change was caused by a surgery. Chief on the other hand, appears to be very dynamic. He starts off quiet and kept to himself but gains confidence as the novel progresses. Once he gains full confidence in himself, he realizes his potential and forever leaves the asylum both confident and proud.
4. I somewhat felt like I met Chief. He reminds me of my old self. I liked to go unnoticed and hide under the radar. I used to always get marked absent in class because I was so quiet but over time, just like Chief, I met someone (well actually a few people.) who changed that side of me. I gained my confidence and stood taller than before and I broke out of my own mental asylum (but I occasionally seemed to get readmitted sometimes) and walked away a better person.

Vocab #4

Interior monologue (n.) : a piece of writing expressing a characters inner thoughts.

Inversion (n.) : the action of inverting something or the state of being inverted.

Juxtaposition (n.) : the fact of two things beings seen or placed together with a contrasting effect.

Lyric (adj.) expressing the writers emotions, usually briefly and in stanzas.

Magic(al) realism (n.): a literary  or artistic genre in which realistic narrative and naturalistic technique are combined with surreal elements of dream or fantasy.

Metaphor (n.)
-Extended metaphor: author exploits a single metaphor or analogy at length through multiple linked vehicles, tenors, and grounds.
-Controlling metaphor: a symbolic story, where the whole poem may be a metaphor for something else; motif
 -Mixed metaphor: a combination of two or more incompatible metaphors, which produces a ridiculous effect.

Metonymy (n.) : the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant, for example suit for business executive, or the track for horse racing.

Modernism (n.) modern character or quality of thought, expression, or technique.

Monologue(n.) : a long speech by one actor in a play or movie, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast program.

Mood (n.): the atmosphere or pervading tone of something

Motif (n.) : a decorative design or pattern.

Myth (n.) : a traditional story, esp. one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.

Narrative (n.) : a spoken or written account of connected events.

Narrator (n.) : a person who narrates something, esp. a character who recounts the events of a novel or narrative poem.

Naturalism (n.) : a person who narrates something, esp. a character who recounts the events of a novel or narrative porm

Novelette/Novella (n.) : a short novel, typically one that is light and romantic or sentimental in character.

Omniscient point of view (n.) : reader is all seeing and all knowing

Onomatopoeia (n.): the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named.

Oxymoron (n.): figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.
Pacing (v.):  speeding up or slowing down the story.

Parable (n) : simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson

Paradox (n.): a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory.

Monday, January 27, 2014

What's the story?

To be completely honest,I just put the pieces together earlier today that we had to continue our studies on Tale of Two Cities. After finishing off my literature analysis book, I plan to brush up on the book with my group. It was a difficult book to read, understand and stay interested in. Thinking back, it took every last ounce of energy just to browse it. I plan to have it together by Wednesday night. Any late assignments from the returning semester will be posted and all of my work will be complete. Apologies for the inconvenience. A Tuesday power nap and a breathe of fresh air will get me back on the right track!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Lit Terms #3

Expositions: beginning of a story that sets forth facts, ideas, and/or characters, in detailed explanation.
"Once upon a time, there were three bears who lived in a wood cabin."

Expressionism: movement in art, literature, and music consisting of unrealistic representation of an inner idea or feeling.

Fable: a short, simple story, usually with animals and characters, designed to teach a moral of truth.
Aesop's fables. (Tortoise and the Hare)

Fallacy: erroneous reasoning that makes arguments unsound, a false or misleading notion.

Falling Action: part of the narrative or drama after the climax.

Farce: a boisterous comedy involving ludicrous action and dialogue.

Figurative Language: imaginative language characterized by figures of speech.

Flashback: a narrative device that flashes back to prior events.

Foil: a person or thing that, by contrast,make another seem better or more prominent.

Folk Tale: story passed on by word of mouth.

Foreshadowing: a device to prepare the reader for the outcome of the action; "planning" to make the outcome convincing, though not give it away.

Free Verse: verse without conventional metrical patter, irregular patter or no rhyme.

Genre: a category of class of artistic endeavor having a particular form, technique, or content.

Gothic Tale: a style in literature characterized by gloomy setting, violent or grotesque action, and a mood of decay, degeneration and decadence.

Hyperbole: an exaggerated statement often used as a figure of speech or to prove a point.

Imagery: figures of speech or vivid descriptions conveying images through any of the senses.

Implication: a meaning or understanding that is to arrive at by the reader but that is not fully stated by the author.

Incongruity: deliberate joining of opposites or of elements that are not appropriate to each other.

Inference: a judgement or conclusions based on evidence presented

Irony: a contrast or incongruity between what is said and what is meant, or what is expected to happen and what actually happens.